Bipolar in Homeland

For anyone who doesn't already know it, Homeland is a TV show about the CIA fighting off terrorists in places like Pakistan and elsewhere in the Middle East. The main character, Carrie Mathison, is a CIA agent who happens to have bipolar disorder. 

It's a step forward that there was actually a main character with a mental illness like bipolar disorder on Homeland. The overall portrayal of the illness is a major improvement compared to what was done before, but there is still progress to make. Although it is refreshing to see that Carrie is attractive, highly intelligent and manages to live a normal life while holding down an incredibly demanding job, she is still portrayed as someone who cries a lot, which makes it seem like her illness makes her a weaker person. 

It is questionable is that Carrie takes her medication with wine which implies that she self-medicates and the wine can mess up the effect of the medication and make her seem crazy.  Another problem with Homeland is that it portrays the symptoms of bipolar disorder but does not show the real life treatment. It’s a shame that Carrie doesn’t show that it is possible to get better with talk therapy as well as medication. It also seems unbelievable that Carrie who had previously been shown to respond well to her medication is without any particular reason given electroconvulsive therapy in the last episode. In real life, electroconvulsive therapy is only given when other medication has failed!

Homeland has used the stereotype of the “mad genius”, making her illness seem like a super power, which gives greater insight than all those around her.  It should not romanticize what can be a terrifying illness and it should be more respectful of those who have mania because it can be distressing for them and also for those who care about them.

Click on this link to learn how Claire Danes prepared for her character, Carrie.